Sociology and Criminal Justice Faculty and TA Office Hours

Spring 2025

NameEmail AddressOffice LocationOffice Hours
Ramesh Balayarrbalayar@iastate.edu308 East HallW 8:00-10:00 am; and by appointment
Jenny Beattyjkbeatty@iastate.edu418 East HallContact for appointment*
Jeff Bouffardjab088@iastate.edu204 East HallM T R 11:00-12:00; and by appointment*
Leana Bouffardlab17@iastate.edu103 East HallM W 10:00-11:30; by appointment*
Jeff Brinkleybrink864@iastate.edu203D East HallContact for appointment*
Kyle Burgasonburgason@iastate.edu202 East HallDrop in or contact for appointment*
Daniel Butlerhdbutler@iastate.edu304 East HallM W 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m., or by appointment*
Katie Dentzmandentzman@iastate.edu303D East HallT R 2:00-3:00; and by appointment*
Shawn Doriussdorius@iastate.edu317C East HallContact for appointment*
Alan Druryajd344@iastate.edu203E East HallContact for appointment*
Arne Hallamahallam@iastate.edu239 Catt HallContact for appointment*
Shannon Harpersharper@iastate.edu320 East HallT R 12:30-1:30; and by appointment
Andy Hochstetlerhochstet@iastate.edu203B East HallT R mornings; and by appointment*
Dan Krierkrier@iastate.edu4 East HallT R 1:00-2:00 & 3:30-4:30; and by appointment*
Abdi Kusowkusow@iastate.edu220 East HallContact by email for appointment*
Colin Lartercrlarter@iastate.edu419 East HallContact for appointment*
Sam Mindessmindes@iastate.edu316 East HallM W 11:00-12:30; and by appointment*
Chris Morriscmorris@iastate.edu312 East HallW 8:30-10:30; and by appointment*
Dave Petersdpeters@iastate.edu302 East HallContact for appointment*
David; soc134@iastate.edu318 East HallContact for appointment*
Susan Stewartstewarts@iastate.edu102 East HallT R 11:00-12:00; and by appointment*
Shawn Smithshawn1@iastate.edu203EEast HallContact for appointment*

* Do Not Contact at Home