Chris Morris worked for the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service as a conservationist for 15 years before attending graduate school at Iowa State University. He graduated with his Ph.D. degree in Rural Sociology and Sustainable Agriculture in the summer of 2023. He is currently working as a postdoctoral research associate with Dr. J. Arbuckle, and his research focuses on the social and systemic factors that influence farmer adoption of conservation practices and how we can use programs, policies, and education to increase sustainability and justice in the food and agriculture system. He is also conducting transdisciplinary work investigating stakeholder perspectives on a perennial-based renewable natural gas value chain with the C-CHANGE Grass2Gas project. Chris teaches Conservation Values and Ethics (SOC 234X), a course he co-designed, as well as Environmental Sociology (SOC 382) and Social Psychology: A Sociological Perspective (SOC 305).